Home Lifestyle Valcare’s Amazing Race: NPO Networking Opportunity

Valcare’s Amazing Race: NPO Networking Opportunity

Networking fun at the Valcare Amazing Race

Valcare organises many networking events throughout the year. Since 2018, it has hosted an annual ‘Amazing Race’ – an exciting event that brings non-profit organisations together to network more creatively and organically. By organising the event around a race, participants enjoy an immersive experience of Valcare’s member organisations, showcasing their work at each stop. This year’s Amazing Race took place on 12 May, welcoming members of over 100 non-profits who arrived to enjoy an eclectic programme at the beautiful Ashanti Estate in Paarl. As a result, the participating members of the non-profits felt welcome and ready to network!

The participating non-profit organisations include: Ikamva Foundation (anti-bullying workshops); Maude Tabata Soccer Academy; Mbekweni Eco-Club (improving environmental conditions in communities); Monte Christo Miqlat (community transformation in the Drakenstein area); Take a Step (guidance for entrepreneurs); Walking on Water Ministry (transforming the lives of ex-offenders and at-risk youth); Grassroots Sports and Culture; Secret of Success development (providing meals to the unemployed and elderly); Warriors of Worship Dance Ministry (encouraging wellbeing through dancing); ACVV Wellington (provides child protection services); Christian Literature Fund; and Kathy’s Educare and Pre-Primary School. Thus, the event introduced participants to an impressive array of organisations offering diverse social services in and around the Paarl Valley, including Mbekweni, Paarl East, and Wellington.

The Amazing Race began at Ashanti Estate. Guests were welcomed, divided into teams, and then presented with unique programmes in the surrounding area to complete within a given timeframe before returning to Ashanti Estate. The teams travelled by taxi, each with their own allocated driver and Valcare representative. This allowed people to get to know their team members while travelling to selected non-profits where they participated in these organisations’ everyday volunteer tasks (such as preparing meals for soup kitchens and preparing community vegetable gardens). The event ended with a prize-giving and lunch, which allowed people to network further and conclude the day’s programme.

Ivan Swartz, Valcare’s CEO, comments: “It has become clear that bringing people together to learn from each other in an enjoyable setting is more impactful in the long term. The Amazing Race will be a day to network and have fun and an opportunity to build lasting relationships that will bear fruit for years to come.”

For over 20 years, Valcare has coordinated the operations of non-profit organisations to ensure optimal social impact. This they achieve through matching social impact investors to the organisational networks where their resources will be well managed and have the most significant impact. To get involved, you can become an investor in social change or make a donation (financial or in-kind) to a good cause. Or, if you run an NPO, you will benefit by becoming a member, as Valcare affords you access to the expertise, resources and networks needed to make an impact.


Text & Image: Leila Shirley