Why Advertise

The Franschhoek Tatler is the Franschhoek Valley’s free monthly community newspaper.  Since its inception in 1994 it has been a valued part of the valley’s social fabric.  Readers enjoy its inclusive no-nonsense approach and varied content – from community news and ‘hard’ news stories everybody should know about to environmental matters, food & wine, events and more.

The Tatler is published on the 1st of each month.  It is delivered to all PO Boxes in Franschhoek and La Motte, some Street Addresses, most B&Bs, Guest Houses, Hotels and Wineries in the Franschhoek, Dwars River and Banhoek Valleys and is available at shops, supermarkets, restaurants and the tourist information offices in Franschhoek and Stellenbosch.  It is also sent to overseas and South African subscribers and you can find us online at www.franschhoektatler.co.za.

Nobody understands Franschhoek like the team at The Franschhoek Tatler.  Combining decades of living in the valley with years of media experience and commercial savvy the Franschhoek Tatler team is ideally qualified to help you make the most of your advertising budget.

Feel free to contact us to discuss your needs. We look forward to providing you with an affordable well-structured advertising solution.

Sincerely yours,
The Franschhoek Tatler team

Ex VAT Advertising Rates:

Bank Details

Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Paarl
Branch Code: 05-02-10
Account Number: 072 141 603

Terms & Conditions

  1. The above rates are net rates.  No deductions may be made for agency commission.
  2. The Booking Date and Artwork Deadline Date for each issue are published in the previous issue. They are usually around the middle of the previous month.
  3. Unless otherwise agreed when the booking is made an advertisement may be repeated in the next issue unless it has been cancelled by email by noon on the Booking Date for that issue.
  4. The complete advertisement must be sent or delivered to us or to our printers by email or on CD in jpeg or pdf format in at least actual size and at 300dpi.
  5. We assume that your artwork is as you want it and do not send proofs unless specifically requested.  If a proof is sent it will be deemed approved if there has been no response from the advertiser within 24 hours.
  6. Additional charges may be made for preparation, placement, scanning, stripping etc or changes to advertisements.
  7. If the cost of an advertisement is R200 or less it must be placed for a minimum of 3 months for which payment must be made before the first advertisement appears.  No refunds will be given.
  8. We may require payment in full of the cost of an advertisement + VAT before a booking is accepted or, if accepted, before publication and we reserve the right to cancel any booking if it is not so paid without liability.
  9. If an invoice is not paid in full within 7 days of the date thereof the advertiser will pay to the Franschhoek Tatler:
    1. Interest on the balance due from the date of the issue in which the advertisement or insert appeared until the date of payment at 1.5% per month or part thereof;
    2. R50 +VAT per month or part thereof in which any part of that payment was overdue to cover bookkeeping and administrative costs consequently incurred; and
    3. on demand all legal and other costs and expenses on an attorney and own client basis which it may incur in the recovery thereof.
  10. The person making a booking is liable for payment unless the full name and address of the party liable is then given in writing in which case that person is deemed to have warranted that he/she is duly authorized by that party.
  11. The Editor has absolute discretion as to:
    1. Whether to accept or include an advertisement, advertorial or loose insert in any issue whether paid for or not provided always that appropriate credit is given; and
    2. Where an advertisement appears except for a front or back page advertisement for which a premium rate has been paid.
  12. When accepted for publication, advertorials may be shown as such or distinguished from normal editorial.
  13. The Editor and staff are not liable in any way whatsoever to any advertiser or third party for any statement made in or any error in or omission of any advertisement or loose insert in whole or in part.
  14. By confirming a booking or making a payment an advertiser and the person who made the booking is deemed to have agreed and accepted these conditions.

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