Home News Farewell Hendrik R.I.P.

Farewell Hendrik R.I.P.


He was the most famous rooster in the land, but alas he is no more.  Hendrik, the much loved, feared and respected mascot of Café Bon Bon died on 5 September at the age of 8 years. Hendrik had not been well for some months and it seems the past winter was just too much for him.

Hendrik was such a big part of the Café Bon Bon experience that it is hard to find a social media post about the café that doesn’t refer to Hendrik.  As expected of such a famous rooster he enjoyed a lifestyle that most roosters could only dream of, including a la carte morsels offered by friendly strangers and all the attention he could handle.  Sleeping arrangements too were special. Few roosters got to sleep on a grand piano while the pianist transported them off to dreamland to the strains of their favourite tune – in Hendrik’s case, ‘Moon River’.

Wherever Hendrik is off to, we’re sure he’s off in style. R.I.P. Hendrik.