Home News Rates Payment Holiday

Rates Payment Holiday


Dear Resident of Stellenbosch Municipality

It is anticipated that the COVID-19 national lockdown will have a severely adverse effect on the already fragile economy of South Africa.

As a responsible and caring local government, the Stellenbosch Municipality is investigating ways and means to alleviate the impact on our communities. One reprieve approved by the Council on 25 March 2020, is a three month payment holiday with regards to the payment of property rates.

Residents who wish to make use such a payment holiday should follow the process outlined below.

The following process and criteria apply:

·        The payment holiday only applies to registered property owners owning property within the boundaries of the Stellenbosch Municipality (WC024)

·        The Payment Holiday will be granted on application only. Written applications should be submitted to

·        Alternatively, contact (021) 808 8554 or (021) 808 8556 for assistance. These numbers will only be available after the lockdown period.

·        No property owner will be exempted from paying property rates; the payment holiday merely postpones payment of rates in an effort to assist those property owners negatively affected by the COVID-19 lockdown.

·        If approved by the Municipal Manager or her delegate, a written payment arrangement must be entered into and signed by both parties before the payment holiday will become effective.

·        The payment holiday only applies to the payment of property rates. All other components of the municipal account such as electricity, water, sewerage and solid waste removal, etc. must still be kept paid to date. This will form a standard part of the Arrangement.

·        Arrangements may not exceed a period of 12 months

·        The payment holiday will be for a maximum of three months as agreed upon in the signed arrangement. Cut-off date for submission of applications is 31 May 2020.

·        Arrear rates will not attract any interest during the arrangement period. Should the arrangement not be honoured, the full outstanding amount will become due immediately and interest will become payable. Furthermore, the account will be subjected to normal debt collection procedures.

·        On application, Business, Commercial and Agricultural property owners must prove loss of income and also provide any further information that may be required by the municipality, and

·        Residential property owners must prove loss of employment or temporary loss of income and provide any other information that the municipality may require.

Kind regards,

Mr Kevin Carolus
Chief Financial Officer
Stellenbosch Municipality