Home Lifestyle 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day Scarf Handout

67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day Scarf Handout

Scarf Hand-out
FLTR: Suzette De Jongh, Aliki Brunt (Ambassador for 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day) and Adell Ferreira at the La Motte scarf hand-out

67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day did their annual scarf handout at the La Motte feeding scheme on 19 August in conjunction with one of Sylvia Bell’s soup kitchens. It is normally done on Mandela Day, 18 July, but due to level 4 lockdown, they were unable to do so at the time.

The “Knitwits”, as this group of ladies are known, are based in Paarl, Franschhoek and Stellenbosch. They knitted and crocheted over 350 scarves and beanies. These were hung between the trees for the community to help themselves. Each handmade item had a special message attached to it “I am not lost. If you are cold and need me, please take me. With love 67 Blankets.”

67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day is a non-profit organisation that was established by Carolyn Steyn in 2014. The organisation’s purpose is to crochet or knit something warm to donate to those in need every year, either in the form of a blanket, scarf, beanie or anything else which might be of use to the less fortunate or to keep someone warm and make them feel special.

The organization has attracted thousands of members (Knitwits) in South Africa as well as all around the world. Their motto is: “Stitch by stitch we keep people warm in the name of Nelson Mandela, our father.”

“We get everybody involved from schools to churches and old age homes and those who would like to do a good deed for their community,” says Aliki Brunt their local ambassador. “We would like many more helping hands to continue this amazing project,” she adds.

For further information, contact Aliki Brunt on 061 524 0129, alikibrunt@mweb.co.za or visit www.67blankets.co.za

Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Supplied