Home Lifestyle Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals

St George’s Anglican Church, located on the Delta Rd off the R45, brings to a close their 2021 Season of Creation titled “Oikos, our Common home” on the feast day of St Francis, Sunday, 3 October 2021. They will have a special Blessing of the Animals ceremony at 11h15 as animals occupied a very special place in the heart of St Francis.

The Rector, Fr Wilfred, wishes to extend a warm welcome to all in the valley – with or without animal companions – to join us as we give thanks to God our Creator for the creatures we love and who share this Oikos, our common home. The service will take place in the Rector’s garden and will include prayers for healing humanity’s relationship with the earth and all creatures who share the earth with us. The Service of Blessing will celebrate our unconditional love for our pets and our other humans. Stuffed animals as well as photographs of pets who would not find attending the event a blessed experience are more than welcome. All animals will receive an individual blessing from a priest. One request is that pets where possible be kept on a leash. Attendees must please remain masked at all times and are requested to maintain social distance where possible.

Everybody is invited to bring a donation of dog or cat food which will be distributed to the Solms-Delta farming community where so many of the farm households have been without an income for several months. We are grateful for the many in our greater community who have extended a helping hand to these people in their need. As a result of their lost in income many animals (53 dogs and 32 cats) have been underfed during this time. Our donation of animal food will be a blessing to all the animals on this farm.

At the event there will be flamed Braai Worsrolletjies for sale along with a variety of coolers.

A final thought from Gandhi: “Tthe moral progress of a Nation and its greatness should be judged by the way it treats its animals”.