Home News Water restrictions relaxed to Level 5

Water restrictions relaxed to Level 5

By mid-September the Berg River Dam was close to capacity.

In a media statement on 11 September the executive mayor of Stellenbosch, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, announced that water restrictions will be relaxed from Level 6B to Level 5 from 1 October 2018. 

The mayor said that this was done “After careful consideration and following recommendations by Provincial and National Government.” Good winter rains have helped the dams in the Western Cape Water Supply System to recover to 68% of capacity in mid-September.

Under Level 5 water restrictions each person is allocated 70 litres of water per day instead of 50 litres.

“I would like to thank our residents and businesses for their cooperation over the past few months,” the mayor continued. “Thanks to the immense water saving efforts by our communities, water consumption was kept far below average, allowing our reservoirs to replenish faster and helping us to get through the drought together. I would like to thank each and every person who worked with us by sticking to the 50 litre per day rule. Your efforts have helped our region to cut water consumption so drastically that it is being talked about the world over.”

The statement pointed out that the emergency isn’t over and that the use of municipal drinking water for gardens, water fountains, topping up of swimming pools, hosing down of paved areas and washing of vehicles is still prohibited.

Water tariffs will remain unchanged as, in Stellenbosch Municipality they were capped at Level 4 rates to shield residents from the punitive rates associated with Level 5 and 6 restrictions.  Rates will therefore remain unchanged until restriction are lowered below the Level 4 level.

“We encourage residents to continue to work with us by using water sparingly,” the mayor said in closing.

For more detail on Level 5 water restrictions residents may contact the Water Department on 021 808 8215 / 8953 / 8343 or engineering.services@stellenbosch.gov.za

Text: Editorial Desk | Image: Natie Ferreira