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Artist with great taste

Artist Reason Ndlovu at work on one of his chocolate paintings.

Perhaps one day they will have a section in the National Gallery devoted to paintings done in chocolate. Well, so hopes Reason Ndlovu, a Franschhoek artist who has come up with an innovative idea – painting with chocolate.

It all began when Danny Windvogel of Huguenot Fine Chocolates was walking in the main road and saw Reason doing painting work on a shop door. Their subsequent chat led them to the idea that the process of making chocolate could be illustrated by means of an artistic portrayal in a chocolate painting.

A short time later, working on the premises, so that he had access to chocolate pods and pictures of the cacao botanical process, Reason began his two works which are almost finished and will have pride of place in the shop once completed.

More than 60 percent of the world’s cocoa beans are grown in Africa, so it was appropriate that the painting should have an African theme.